
Did you know that your iPhone also knows these 14 things?

What MacGyver is to the world of television, the iPhone is to the world of technology. He hides a thousand and one tricks, a thousand and one knowledge, so it is no wonder that he has so many followers. But since we probably only use 10% of the brain (and we know that's not true), even most users probably only use a certain percentage of all iPhone functions. But nothing more. There are 14 skills ahead of you that will get you to 100%.

If scientists are still looking for the answer to how to get all the brains working at the same time, we already have the answer to how to use iPhone, to get out of it maximum.

1. Have Siri read your email aloud

Siri can read very clearly.
Siri can read very clearly.

Your wish, her command. Tell it "Read my email" and it will read you not only the content, but also the sender's name, date, time of receipt and the address of the message. You can also play tricks and tell her to read your latest e-mail ("Read my latest e-mail") or ask her if you have e-mail from [person's name] ("Do I have e-mail from [person]? ").

2. Look at the timestamps of your messages (iMessages)

3As it turns out, the iPhone does record iText time, but what you didn't know is that it stores one swipe to the left of the 'text-bearing' clouds.

3. For a four-digit login password, you can use letters instead of numbers

The four-digit code is not limited to just numbers.
The four-digit code is not limited to just numbers.

Go to Settings > General > Passcode Lock. Turn off the feature that says “Simple Passcode.” A window will pop up with a full QWERTY keyboard asking you to change your password. Do this and when you are asked for your password the next time you power on, the keyboard will be littered with letters as well, not just numbers.

4. Shake the phone and delete the text

What's done is done. But not in the computer world.
What's done is done. But not in the computer world.

If you change your mind about the choice of words while typing, just shake the iPhone a little and a window will appear with the option "Undo Typing". If you change your mind about this too, shake it again and press "Redo Typing".

5. Check which planes are buzzing overhead

Who's flying over me?
Who's flying over me?

Ask Siri "What flightst are above me?" or simply "Planes overhead" and a table will be drawn with flight numbers, plane altitude and flight angle (be patient, Siri may take half a minute to answer)

6. Select a different vibration pattern

Who gives off good vibes and who gives off bad vibes?
Who gives off good vibes and who gives off bad vibes?

In the Contacts app, you can set different vibration patterns for different contacts. This turns out to be especially convenient when you have your phone in your pocket, because even before eye contact you know what or who is waiting for you.

7. For 'Flash' charging, set the phone to airplane mode

So it will charge faster. Handy, especially when you are in a hurry but need it urgently, because we know that nowadays the 'life' of the battery is more than just a phone.

8. Make your calendar readable without a magnifying glass

Leave the fine print to contracts.
Leave the fine print to contracts.

When using the calendar app, tilt your phone horizontally and you'll see your schedule in detail.

9. iPhone as a water scale

8Do you have the feeling that the picture on the wall is hanging sideways? Open the compass app and swipe left. And the answer to whether it is sideways will be in the palm of your hand.

10. Close in-app purchases with one button

Don't let apps wash over you.
Don't let apps wash over you.

If small children are playing with your iPhone, it is very safe to disable in-app purchases. This is also recommended for adults who can't control themselves when playing games like Candy Crush. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions, enable restrictions there and then scroll down to "In-App Purchases" and close the tap.

11. Grammar signs from the line for language purists

-.- You know this smiley, right? Can you also make it?
-.- You know this smiley, right? Can you also make it?

Access all the characters from the line relegated to the obscurity of grammar by not only pressing but pressing the hyphen key.

12. Capture the photo by pressing the volume button

12Instead of a circle in the middle of the screen, press the button on the side. A solution that comes in handy especially when taking a selfie, as you will be able to hold the phone more firmly in your hand.

13. You can also take a photo by pressing the handset

The inner part of the handset also serves as a trigger. Ha, I believe you didn't even know you had an external trigger! Just make sure the headphones are not full of earwax. Especially when you ask someone else to take your picture.

14. Rapid sequential photo capture (burst mode)

10When you take a photo, hold your finger on the 'shutter' and the iPhone will automatically activate burst mode. One photo does not have to be the right one.

READ MORE: iPhone 6 is coming on September 19th!

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