
Citrus diet: melts away pounds and strengthens the immune system

7 key rules and a 7-day diet plan

Photo: envato

Did you know that eating a variety of citrus fruits can lead your way to a better body and a stronger immune system? It's a citrus diet!

7-day citrus diet is based on incorporating fresh citrus fruits such as lemons, grapefruits, oranges and tangerines into your regular diet. This one diet it does not require starvation as it focuses on a balanced diet to help you achieve your weight loss goals.

In search of a healthier way of eating and improving physical condition, we often turn to natural resources, which can help us achieve our goals. Citrus fruits stand out among these sources - juicy fruits rich in vitamin C and other nutrients that bring many benefits to our body. Citrus fruits such as lemons, oranges, grapefruits and tangerines are known for their refreshing acidity and rich vitamin content. These fruits are not only delicious, but also bring many benefits health benefits.

Photo: envato

Citrus diet: 7 rules to achieve the best results

1. Morning with vitamin C

Start the day with the habit of drinking a glass of warm water with lemon juice on an empty stomach. This simple step stimulates digestion and detox your body.

2. Avoid alcohol

During the diet, it is recommended to limit the consumption of alcohol, as it can negatively affect the metabolism.

3. Moderate amounts of coffee

Limit yourself to one cup of coffee per day to maintain proper hydration.

4. More fresh fruit

Include five servings of fresh fruit a day, including a variety of citrus fruits.

5. Forget unhealthy carbohydrates

Avoid white bread, sweets, fast food, potatoes and white rice.

6. Add fish and avocado

Make sure to eat fish and avocados, which provide quality protein and healthy fats.

7. Add the lemon peel

Have lemon peel as part of one of your meals every day. A wealth of antioxidants is hidden in the peel.

Photo: envato

7 Day Citrus Diet Plan

Day 1
Breakfast: fruit salad with oranges, tangerines, kiwi and flax seeds
Snack: orange
Lunch: brown rice with boiled chicken breast
Snack: tangerine
Dinner: baked mackerel with lemon and herbs

Day 2
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomato and one grapefruit
Snack: grapefruit
Lunch: grilled pumpkin and Greek yogurt
Snack: orange
Dinner: beans with eggs and tuna

Day 3
Breakfast: fruit salad with oranges, tangerines, kiwi and flax seeds
Snack: sliced lemon.
Lunch: avocado sandwich with tomato and eggs
Snack: three small tangerines
Dinner: Salmon with grilled onions with arugula and broccoli

4th day
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomato and one grapefruit
Snack: grapefruit
Lunch: quinoa and vegetable stew
Snack: a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice
Dinner: baked mackerel with lemon and herbs

Photo: envato

Day 5
Breakfast: fruit salad with oranges, tangerines, kiwi and flax seeds
Snack: green apple
Lunch: beef, arugula, pickled onions
Snack: orange
Dinner: baked salmon with lemon and herbs

6th day
Breakfast: scrambled eggs with tomato and one grapefruit
Snack: orange
Lunch: creamy broccoli soup
Snack: grapefruit
Dinner: egg noodles with garlic shrimp

7th day
Breakfast: a glass of freshly squeezed grapefruit and one green apple
Snack: two tangerines
Lunch: peach and natural yogurt
Snack: orange
Dinner: tuna salad with kale, rocket and cherry tomatoes

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