
Magical car graveyards through the lens of Dieter Klein

Car graveyards

German photographer Dieter Klein chose an interesting subject for his photo series. He is looking for "natural" car cemeteries around the world, places where people have laid their cars to rest and are now overgrown or merged with the environment. Fascinating.

Photographer Dieter Klein has a rather unusual mission. He visits places where cars go die. We have people car graveyards, which we call car scraps, and these are far from being as serene and dignified as those for people. It's strange, but we are so crazy about steel horses, but once we get "tired" of them, we love them we throw it away like a piece of old fashion.

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It often happens that the cars do not end up at car scrap, but they go to die in the woods. They crawl between the trunks, into the shade, under the cool canopy and surrender to the ravages of time there. Although nature quickly takes over and, as you will see, we were able to witness some really beautiful scenes, but we must not forget that sooner or later these cars turn into waste.

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