
Digital Dungeon and Maztek

Maztek aka Matteo Cavo played guitar until he came of age and soon became interested in drum and bass and founded the label Subculture Records in 2005. He collaborated with Optivo, Cause4Concern, Proktah, BTK and many others. Along with Maztek, there will also be Slovenian representatives of the drum and...

Important information
club K4, Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
9 euros.

Maztek aka Matteo Cavo played guitar until he came of age and soon became interested in drum and bass and founded the label Subculture Records in 2005. He collaborated with Optivo, Cause4Concern, Proktah, BTK and many others. Along with Maztek, Slovenian drum and bass representatives will also be behind the turntables.

Jessica 6

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