
Digital Dungeon – Special Edition (live a/v stream of the fifteenth podcast)

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Important information
Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
¸Printed invitation: €3 SMS-invitation: €6 Entry is not possible without an invitation.

Saturday / 27/08/2011 / 23:00
Digital Dungeon – Special Edition (live a/v stream of the fifteenth podcast)

It falls

VJ Soaked

Since we know you only listen to our podcasts on small computer speakers, we invite you to join us  On August 27th at Klub K4, where we will premiere and very exclusively prepare the jubilee 15th podcast on suitable sound system.

The main actors probably don't need to be introduced - the duo Telekinesis, who have hit after hit, Hedon, freakolowsky and Spade will provide the musical background, Spade will certainly not be quiet, and maybe you can also say hello to mom, dad, uncle, neighbor and everyone, who know you.

Exclusive? Yes, entry is only possible with a printed (around 200 invitations will be printed) or SMS invitation, and the podcast will not be recorded.

Follow our website, FB or twitter for a link to the stream.

Printed invitation: €3
SMS invitation: €6
Entry is not possible without an invitation.

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