
Dinner In The Dark: a unique experience now also in Ljubljana

Would you dine in complete darkness where you have to find yourself without a key sense - sight? You have to pour yourself a glass of water, cut and eat the food on your plate and go to the waitress to get an aperitif. Sound scary? Far from it. Above all, it is a unique experience and getting to know the incredible abilities of your body. The extraordinary sensual and culinary experience of dinner in the dark (Dinner In The Dark) is now also available in Ljubljana

Basic information
Dinner In The Dark
Slovenska cesta 34
Starting every day at 8 p.m.
031 608 030

Now you don't have to go to Paris, London, New York or any of the other big cities to experience and taste great food in the dark. In a pleasant atmosphere Hotel Slon in Ljubljana from June 1, you can enjoy a guided pampering of your taste buds every evening with the help of an experienced moderator and a four-course menu prepared by him chef Janez Šetina.

Behind the door is complete darkness in which we are completely dependent on our senses.
Behind the door is complete darkness in which we are completely dependent on our senses.

We know that when one of the senses is lost, the other sensors in our body are strengthened extremely quickly. The same is true of experience Dinner In The Dark (Dinner In The Dark). The experience changes the individual's view of food and its enjoyment. Dishes on an individual's plate they convince only with taste, smell and texture, but we must not forget the touch as well. Touching food in respectable restaurants is not appropriate, but here sooner or later everyone gives up on utensils and uses their fingers. It is an experience that leaves no one indifferent, especially if they are childishly curious and open to new things.

An exceptional sensory and culinary experience delights couples and larger groups of guests.
An exceptional sensory and culinary experience delights couples and larger groups of guests.

The idea of eating in the dark originates from France, when Michel Reilhac first started with the concept of 'the taste of black' two decades ago. Over the years, the concept has been developed and upgraded in various directions. Today, in the big cities of the world, we can find many restaurants offering 'dinner in the dark', which are or are part of the only chain of such restaurants Dans le Noir? or they are completely independent and unique, just like the one in Ljubljana.

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