Last year's visit of the dinosaurs in the Volčji Potok Arboretum impressed us to such an extent that this year their great friends from the Ice Age will join them at the exhibition. In the park, we will walk through a real time machine and see the world of dinosaurs and Ice Age giants, such as mammoths, sabre-toothed...
Lanskoletni obisk dinozavrov v Arboretumu Volčji Potok nas je navdušil do te mere, da se jim bodo letos na razstavi pridružili tudi veliki prijatelji iz ledene dobe. V parku se bomo sprehodili skozi pravi časovni stroj in si med pomladnim zelenjem ogledali svet dinozavrov in ledenodobne velikane, kot so mamut, sabljasti tiger, ledena različica volka, medved …