
Discover the secret message of this tie?

A tie with a secret message

Can you discover the secret message of this tie that some grandfather wore to a wedding? Reddit user WestleyThe posted the attached photo online. His grandfather clearly has a great sense of humor, because when you find out what secret message he carries, you'll realize that sense of humor doesn't fade with age. But maybe he wanted to say something more based on experience? Can you solve the puzzle?

You discover a secret message those ties? At first it seems like it's just about tie with face pattern, but this actually has a deeper meaning. At the wedding, in which the Reddit user's grandfather wore it WestleyThe, no one recognized the secret message in the artistic moves, despite the knowledge that something is hidden behind them, but only a few succeed solve the puzzle. Maybe it will be for you?

READ MORE: How to tie a tie? 3 Tie Ways Every Man Should Master!

A tie with a secret message.
A tie with a secret message.

Hint. A case of mild vulgarism, the word is in English, but we also use it in our country. You can find it by turning your head a little.

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The solution is located here.

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