
Smells: 10 dishes that can be made without a recipe #1

No prescription, no problem. It's already smelling in our kitchen!

Here are 10 dishes that do not require a recipe. If you still want it, follow the links. First, the first 5 dishes that convince with their ease of preparation and intoxicating taste.

READ MORE: How is the perfect cup of coffee made?

1. Ice cream lights

For preparation ice cream lights we choose between fresh and frozen fruit, fruit juice and milk. Endless choice according to your own taste leads to endless pleasures!

Easy ice cream lights
Easy ice cream lights

2. Toast with butter and melted cheese

For perfect toast we need a lot of butter, cheese that melts and bread as desired. Nothing easier.

Perfect toast
Perfect toast

3. At first

For phenomenal manners we need crispy corn tortillas, cheese that melts intoxicatingly, and toppings of your choice.

Watch out, it's hot!
Watch out, it's hot!

4. Granola

Oatmeal, favorite dried fruit, nuts and lots of honey. For preparation homemade granola we don't need much.

For a great breakfast!
For a great breakfast!

5. Baked rice

Great for anyone who doesn't know what to do with ingredients in the fridge. Throw them in a pan, add eggs and rice and voila! Baked rice it's already on our plate.

Simple and delicious
Simple and delicious

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