
DIY e-board: electric skateboard made at home

DIY e-board

Don't have money for an electric skateboard? No problem, we present you a cheap and simple upgrade of a normal skateboard or longboard that everyone can take up. See how a homemade electric skateboard is made. The perfect weekend project!

Everyone skating fans, watch out! Because we know how you like to screw in a wheel and "pimp" yours skateboard, we have found great instructions for you on how to upgrade your skate to the e-board, therefore electric skateboard, which is powered by… watch this- drilling machine!

READ MORE: Skateboard 2016 – the spirit of California in the middle of Kranj

Make your own electric skateboard at home!
Make your own electric skateboard at home!

Everything you need to make or upgrading a skateboard to an electric skateboard is (sort of) a drilling machine, something screws and nuts and a grinding attachment and so on wire brush, which are stripped bare with pliers to end up with just a holder (a time-consuming task, but worth the effort), which you turn into bearing and crank to spin the wheel. The best thing about all of this is that you already have everything you need in the workshop/garage, so there are no excuses not to tackle the project!

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