
DIY: homemade miracle "fertilizer" for flowering plants

Photo: Stoica Ionela / Unsplash

Who doesn't want their potted plants to bloom? Sometimes we look at them and think, what happened that they don't have any flowers. That's over, you have an effective homemade mixture that will prepare your plants for flowering.

In order for plants to flourish, be healthy and resistant to pests, they need proper care and nutrition.

The good news is that you don't have to spend a lot of money on various care products! You probably already have everything you need for flower care at home.

One of the best things for organic plant nutrition is eggshells, which are extremely rich in calcium. They also contain magnesium, potassium, iron and copper – everything you need to keep your plants thriving and blooming. With them, you will accelerate their growth.

Give them the best. Photo: Maria Ionova / Unsplash

Let's see how you can do this.

Grind the eggshells in a coffee grinder, then mix 1 tablespoon of the obtained powder with sugar and 1 tablespoon of soil. Mix everything well, put it in the pot, then water the plant.

For added effect, you can also grind a banana peel, which is also a great way to care for the flower.

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