
DIY: How to Make Fake Blood and Wounds for Halloween

Photo: Gibibeta/Pixabay

Artificial blood is very popular in Halloween murals. Making artificial blood is creative and easy. We will show you how to prepare artificial blood in the next article.

Homemade artificial blood can be prepared in minutes. It is a completely natural and more convincing version of blood that also tastes good.

For artificial blood, you need the following ingredients:

  • 3/4 cup corn syrup (if you want the look of old blood, add a few drops of maple syrup)
  • 1/4 cup water
  • 1/2 teaspoon red food coloring
  • 5 drops of blue food coloring
  • 2 drops of green food coloring
  • 1 tablespoon cornstarch

Mix water and corn syrup. The mass should not be too liquid, otherwise it will drip too much. Add food coloring slowly until you reach the ideal blood color. Finally, add the cornstarch. Before use, let the mass stand at room temperature for about ten minutes. You can adjust the food coloring ratios as you will see what color you want as you create. But you should know that only red and blue create purple, and green will give your blood a disgusting look, and that's what you want.

Ingredients for artificial blood suitable for clothing:

  • corn syrup
  • red food coloring
  • cocoa powder
  • water

Combine corn syrup and water in a large bowl. Mix thoroughly. Add a few drops of red dye to the mixture while stirring constantly and continue until the blood has the desired color. Stir for at least five minutes to distribute the food coloring evenly. Then add 3 tablespoons of cocoa powder to the mixture and mix again, as this will thicken the blood.

Artificial blood will spice up many popular carnival masks and Halloween costumes such as vampires, doctors, monsters, zombies and more.

CAUTION: Artificial blood can leave stains due to the dye, so do not use it on new clothes.

How to make a fake wound for Halloween

You need the following ingredients:

  • liquid latex
  • tissue paper
  • eyelash glue (optional)
  • powder that suits your skin
  • artificial blood
  • coarse brown sugar

Apply a layer of liquid latex to the skin. Add a piece of tissue paper to it before it dries. Repeat everything until you have several layers that are slightly higher than the skin. When the layers are dry, apply powder to the wipes. Once you like the shape and color, cut the tissues down the middle to create a wound. Then paint the inside with artificial blood. For an even better effect, sprinkle brown sugar on top, as it will complete the realistic look. If you are allergic to latex, you can replace it with toothpaste.

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