
Days of national costumes

The city in the arms of the mountains is not only interesting for its natural heritage, but also for its ethnological diversity, which is presented at the Days of National Costumes and Clothing Heritage, when we can get to know something from the colorful spectrum of this kind of tradition at exhibitions and presentations. It might be a bit more interesting to get to know…

Important information
različne lokacije, , Kamnik
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Mesto v naročju planin ni zanimivo le zaradi naravne dediščine, ampak tudi zaradi etnološke pestrosti, ki se predstavi na Dnevih narodnih noš in oblačilne dediščine, ko lahko na razstavah in predstavitvah spoznamo nekaj iz pisanega spektra tovrstne tradicije. Morda je nekoliko bolj zanimivo spoznavanje “v živo”: na koncertih in prireditvah, ko nam pevci, godci in plesalci predstavljajo oblačila s svojim nastopom. 


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