
Do you know what remains of a person when you betray them, hurt them, lie to them or leave them?

"Great pains are mute." - Luc de Clapiers

Do you know what remains of a person when you betray them, hurt them, lie to them or leave them? A void remains where his hope and love once stood.

Do you know what is left of a person when everyone leaves, betrays them, lies to them or hurts them? All that remains is a shell of a body without a soul. And when someone wants to love her, she won't. She won't dare, she won't be able to, she won't know how to return any feelings to them.

Many will only tell her the truth, but she will not listen to them, she will not care. They won't understand her, but she knows why. She knows that sooner or later everyone leaves, hurts her, lies to her or betrays her.

She no longer has the strength to put herself back together to heal her heart.

And people say what kind of person she is now, that she doesn't care about anyone, that she doesn't help anyone anymore, like she used to.

With a slight smile on her face that she never takes off, she quietly answers them that no one helped her when she needed it the most and she was dying inside.

Don't ask for help. He avoids people. Don't talk to anyone anymore. He associates with silence and solitude.

He no longer wants to be liked by anyone and no longer wants to belong to anyone.

She remained a shell of herself.

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