
Do it… even if others would never do it for you!

"I don't know why you are doing all this for him, he would never do this for you." Whether someone would do for you what you would do for them, do it. Don't think about whether someone is worthy of your attention or not. You have to feel it in your heart.

Do whatever you feel inside, even if it's not normal. It's crazy. Even if it will change their view of you and they won't understand you. do the because you feel this way, because you need this, to find peace of mind again.

Your actions should be a reflection of who you are, not how people treat you. Don't be nice to them expecting them to be nice to you. Be kind because you know how someone feels when someone misbehaves with them.

Andrea Gibson once said: "The hardest part about having nothing is having nothing to give." The ability to give is greatest privilege, and if you have it, use it selflessly. Anything worth fighting for and worth doing is worth overdoing. Literally exaggerate.

So, by all means, swim oceans for people who wouldn't jump a puddle for you. Give them all the little kind words, regardless of their response. Tell them how you feel about them, not because they care, but because you do. You will feel better. Sooner or later your oceans will turn into puddles. By all means, swim through them.

Do it because you feel like it, because you need it to find peace of mind again.
Do it because you feel like it, because you need it to find peace of mind again.

Cross the galaxies for the people who mean something to you. Catch the stars for them, even though they wouldn't give you a drop of rain. Still, be a diamond. Don't dim your shine because of them. Be it the ocean or a puddle, why float on the surface of the water when you can be a rock?

Even if you sink, you will eventually find your way back to shore. Break the surface and sink again and again. Make waves. Be a voice and not an echo.

That true, sincere, inimitable, passionate love that will cross the oceans for you is waiting for you there on the shore.
So follow your heart and put on rose-colored glasses instead of the black and gray ones they wear.

Do it - for yourself, for him, for her, who is waiting for you there on the shore to swim hand in hand through the waves of life.

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