
By the way! – hosting on the coast

The Špas Teatar production, which is probably one of the most acclaimed performances this season, will also show its strengths on the coast. After the presentation in Ljubljana, we can say that it is definitely worth seeing, but not only because of the excellent cast, excellent ...

Important information
Auditorium Portorož, Portorož
Facebook event
Entrance fee
od 22 do 25 evrov

Produkcija Špas teatra, ki je letošnjo sezono verjetno ena najbolj odmevnih predstav, bo tudi na obali prikazala svoje adute. Po predstavitvi v Ljubljani lahko trdimo, da je vsekakor vredna ogleda, ampak ne le zaradi odlične igralske ekipe, odličnega prevoda in umestitve v slovenski prostor. K temu se pridružujeta spektakularnost in … golota.

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