
Do you dare to eat as much as the cyclists in the Tour de France?

Nicolay Ramm tried to consume more than 8,000 calories at a time.

You might think it's harder to finish a stage in the Tour than to swallow everything the Tour de France cyclists eat during the day, but it seems that the mission "on the breath" is to eat everything they eat during the day professional cyclists, more impossible than cycling on a French bow. The Norwegian journalist Nicolay Ramm tried to do just that. To consume 8,000 thousand calories, as much as professional cyclists do per day, to withstand the killer rhythm. Check if Ramm flunked the exam or if he succeeded.

Norwegian journalist Nicolay Ramm he tried to consume everything that cyclists consume at once in the Tour de France. As is known, they must eat at least 8,000 calories a day to remain competitive in this more than 3,000-kilometer, three-week race (this year, they have to finish in Paris 3360 km). And if that doesn't seem so impossible with constant pedaling, without the key ingredients, i.e. burning energy by cycling and taking breaks between meals, it seems more than mission impossible.

READ MORE: The 7 best cycling routes in the world

This was also realized by Ramm, who set before himself more than 8000 calories in food and drink. He compiled the menu after consultation with a British professional chef Sky cycling team Henrik Orre.

Nicolay Ramm tried to consume more than 8,000 calories at a time.
Nicolay Ramm tried to consume more than 8,000 calories at a time.

If we say that Nicolay Ramm has already started somewhere in the middle to hug the bucket, it is probably no secret that his experiment failed. After 5 hours and 3 minutes (which is about as long as the stages last on average) and 4300 calories consumed he gave up, because his stomach couldn't take anything more.

And what did Nicolay Ramm eat?

For breakfast in an hour and a quarter he made an egg omelette, three sandwiches, half a liter of smoothie, 100 grams of pasta, porridge, yogurt, orange juice and coffee. She followed snack with fruit, nuts, energy bars, coffee and a concrete "portion" of water. In the meantime, he turned to the toilet. The next thing that went down my throat were croissants with jam and ham, and two gels and as many as seven energy bars and a large mouthful of energy drinks. He was already seriously suffering here, and they were almost behind him 3 hours of "suffering". But he didn't give up yet, but in the end there was still a lot of untouched od left on the table 8290 calories. From steak, rice, chicken, pasta, cereals, fruit,... However, he ate a lot, because on average a person daily consumes "only" around 2800 calories, but never so much in the "shub". Chapeau, the French would say.

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