
Do you feel love for yourself or do you only recommend it to others?

Live your advice!

Photo: Pietra Schwarzler / Unsplash

How often do you tell someone not to be so hard on themselves and then list all their good points, all they've achieved, all they can do and why you love and respect them? And this is not a consolation, this is the truth that someone who does not like himself cannot see as clearly as someone else.

How often do you tell others to love themselves? Maybe not with these words, but you certainly tell them many times that they are wonderful, good, beautiful, brave, noble, that they deserve, the best for themselves. That they deserve love and kindness, that they value themselves, that they set boundaries for those who put them down, ignore or take advantage of them.

Everyone should love themselves. Don't be so hard on yourself, don't lie to yourself and accept yourself as you are. Everyone deserves the best, no one should settle for less than their own value.

Are you doing this? Do you always know what others should do? Does that include you? Is it all just a mind game that sends you signals of fulfillment when you say something important.

Everyone can see what someone else should do, what would make them feel better. Where are its weaknesses and where are its strengths. And everyone is capable of giving good advice.

Live your advice! Photo: Kate M / Unsplash

The question is, how much are you able to accept and listen to the advice you offer someone? Or, how well are you able to use your advice? Are you willing to listen and obey yourself? All this is proportional to the level of love you have for yourself.

Do you know how to behave like your own best friend, with understanding, tolerance, forgiveness? Would you stand up for yourself as you would for someone else? Do you stand by your views, needs and feelings? Do you forgive yourself for stupid mistakes, naivety, arrogance, ignorance?

Can you see the best in you, in your potential, in your strength, in your value, as you see it in other people?

Can you trust yourself? Are you being consistent with yourself, not pretending? Are you content with what you have instead of going after what you want? Are you making excuses for everything you don't do even though you know you should? Do you believe in yourself and say to yourself: "I can do it," as you advise those in whose strength you believe in moments when they doubt themselves?

remind yourself on one's value, passion and ability to face life's situations. Can you do it – for yourself?

See yourself through the eyes of those who trust, respect and love you. Have fun!

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