
Do you think that's okay? Do you know, dog owner, your debt?

Do you think that's okay? Do you know the dog owner your debt?

Do you think that's okay? is a campaign by the city of Ljubljana, which in a comical way raises awareness among dog owners about the collection of dog excrement. These are often the subject of dispute between the townspeople. Many times (although thankfully less and less) we see owners who are busy looking in the other direction or at their phone while their puppy poops, but when the furry one makes its way, they are quickly blown away from the scene of the crime. The owner of the dog must be transparent and responsible, which such behavior is definitely not, so MOL appeals to dog guardians to pick up dog excrement after their pets, because some child also wants to play on the green behind them.

The owner/keeper of the dog is (by law) obliged to clean up dog excrement after the dog. It is (not) collecting a reflection of the owner's culture. Most probably do not know that the inspector in Ljubljana can fine them for not collecting with a fine of one hundred euros, and every dog guardian must also be armed with a bag.

However, since even the threatened fine is not 100% effective, as many owners still have not learned to conscientiously clean up after their dog, MOL instead of the stick, she resorted to a softer grip: a parody with the title Do you think that's okay?, with which knocks on the conscience of unscrupulous owners, so that picking up excrement would become a matter of course for them as well, and that they would have rustling in their pockets black bags, offered by many dog waste collectors. So there is no excuse, only ignorance.

READ MORE: How you see yourself and how your dog sees you

MOL also appeals to those who like to chew chewing gum, they should not be thrown on the streets, as removal is expensive and time-consuming, and above all causes inconvenience to residents and visitors and works space.

Info Box

Decree on the protection and care of domestic animals, which also includes an article on the collection of dog excrement (Article 16):

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