
Good focus - a charity photography exhibition

The photography exhibition, co-organized by the creators of Celja Fokus, presents the breadth of photography, different views of the world and the building blocks of modern society through different lenses. The evening gathering will be livened up by Uroš Perić and...

Important information
Friderik's Tower, Old Castle Celje, Celje
Facebook event
Entrance fee
5 euros

Fotografska razstava, v soorganizaciji ustvarjalcev Celja Fokus, skozi različne objektive predstavlja širino fotografije, različne poglede na svet in gradnike sodobne družbe. Večerno druženje bo ob znanih ritmih  Raya Charlesa popestril Uroš Perić in zbrane popeljal v jesensko noč.

The funds raised will go to needy young people in the Celje region. In collaboration with the Little Knights – young people who have recovered from cancer – the charitable Foundation Utrip humanosti, as part of the charity Dobri utripi, will use the funds raised through a scholarship fund to help young people cope with illnesses.

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