
Dog ice cream shop Don Paletto offers dog ice cream that can be licked by humans too

Dog ice cream

Owners can now treat dogs with a sweet tooth to a scoop of ice cream or a cone made especially for animals. But people can also afford it.

Mauricio Montoya is in the Mexican capital Mexico City opened an ice cream parlor for dogs Don Paletto. The dog's ice dessert should not only cool the four-legged friends, but also have a beneficial effect on their digestion.

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Dog ice cream at Don Palette.
Dog ice cream at Don Palette

Ice cream named heladog (a coinage of the Spanish word hello, this is ice cream, and Dog, the English name for a dog), is namely manufactured from natural yogurt and lactic acid bacteria, which, unlike human ice cream, which causes pain and diarrhea in dogs, helps regulate their digestion.

It should also be suitable for humans. Dog owners can choose between different flavors with fun names (Gentleman, Lucky Lucky, etc.), and scoops of ice cream are served to you in a cone, on a stick or in a bowl.

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