
Dogs as ball collectors in a tennis tournament

Dogs in the role of ball collectors

At a tennis tournament in Brazil, the tennis players' game was brightened up by dogs. The organizers of the Brazil Open entrusted the role of ball collectors to dogs from the shelter, and they fully justified their trust. See how they fared during the tennis match between Roberto Carballes and Gastão Elias.

Four dogs from the shelter have recently tested themselves like tennis ball pickers. They are instead of regular pickers Frida, Costela, Mel and Isabelle jumped in during the warm-up part of the match between the Spaniard Roberto Carballes and the Portuguese Gastão Elias at the Brazilian Open.

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Dogs that had been trained to pick up balls for several months had orange ones on their paws wrist bands and scarf around the neck and attracted more attention than the players. "These dogs have been treated badly in the past," said their trainer Andrea Beckert and continued: "With this, we want to show people, among other things, that it is abandoned dogs the power to raise and train.” You can see how they fared in the role of ball collectors in the video above.

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