
Dogs who absolutely love driving

Dogs who love car rides.

It's not just humans who enjoy driving a car. Although some dogs do not tolerate driving very well, four-wheelers are loved by many four-legged furries. Unlike us, they don't need much to have fun, an open window and some wind is enough. Indeed, you will be hard-pressed to find a happier animal companion than a dog. Proof of this is the series of photos "Dogs in Cars", captured in an innovative way by photographer Lara Jo Regan.

Pug, retriever, pit bull terrier, regardless of breed, size or age, some dogs straight up they love driving a car. This kind of moments with the "wind in the hair" is through the photo series Dogs and Cars hunted by the photographer Lara Jo Regan, who used special lighting techniques, high-speed flashes and homemade gadgets attached to the roof to capture the photos. She is tied up during the making hung through the passenger window as if she were in some mountain wall.

READ MORE: Fritz the dog who can't catch food

And the result? Phenomenal footage of dogs that will remind us, how little is needed to be happy.

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