
Documentary film "The fastest in the world"

Photographer Alexandra Lier and producer Laia Gonzales have unveiled plans for their documentary film, The World's Fastest, about the era of fossil fuel and internal combustion racing that is slowly disappearing. The story revolves around speed lovers in love with the smell of fuel in the air. These are people who are driven by total dedication, friendship and an obsession with breaking speed records from the moment they get into the vehicle.

Glavni akterji v filmu so 4 pionirji tovrstne oblike dirkanja, in sicer Jack Costella, Duane McKinney, Al Teague in Dennis Varni. Vsi so pristali na to, da odprejo vrata svojih garaž ter povabijo filmsko ekipo v svet dirkalnikov iz Bonnevilla. Uro in pol zahodno od ameriškega Salt Lake Cityja namreč leži pokrajina Bonneville, znana po prostrani ravnini, polni soli. In tukaj, pravi Costella, lahko pritisneš na gas in tam pustiš nogo kar nekaj kilometrov.

Galerija slik: “Najhitrejši na svetu”

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