
Home "Home" – the first trailer of the animated film from the DreamWorks Animation studio

The main characters (Aliens and Earthlings) from the DreamWorks Animation studio in the upcoming animated film "Home" will occupy our cinemas this November. The first trailer can be seen in the continuation of the article.

From the creators Mravljinec Z here comes a totally crazy funny adventure Home "Home". Wonderful synchronized animation shows kind a race of Aliens, who invade Earth and use it as a hideout from their mortal enemy. How cute An alien accidentally informs his enemy where their new home is, he is forced to flee into the unknown with a teenage Earthling. With this, we step into a vortex of almighty and impossible adventures, where our hero An alien learn what it really means to be human.

Info Box

An animated fantasy adventure
(Home, USA, 2014)
Directed by: Tim Johnson. They play: Jim Parsons, Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Steve Martin, Matt Jones.

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