
Do not do to others what you do not want others to do to you: 20 wise thoughts of Confucius

"Respect yourself and others will respect you."

Confucius (real name Kung Fu Zi) is one of the most famous teachers of ancient China. His teachings changed East Asian thinking and life. He strove to pass on all the knowledge he gained to others, and he himself lived in accordance with it. He enjoyed a great reputation for his way of thinking and acting.

His thoughts are simple and understandable and inspiring!

1. Happiness is when you are understood, great happiness is when you are loved, true happiness is when you love.

2. Nature has given us two eyes and ears, but only one tongue, that we may look and listen, but speak less, for we can never utter as much wisdom as we can silence foolishness.

3. Happiness does not consist of what you want, but because of what you want.

4. If you hate, it means you've been defeated.

5. Dig two graves before taking revenge.

6. Life is very simple, but we make it complicated for ourselves.

7. We take advice in drops, but give it in buckets.

8. A reasonable person adapts to the world. An unreasonable man expects the world to conform to him. Therefore, all progress is made by unreasonable people.

9. A single word is often enough to declare someone a sage, and just as much to declare him a brawler. We really have to be careful what we say.

10. I don't get angry if people don't understand me. I get angry when I don't understand people.

11. A jewel cannot be polished without friction, nor a man without trial.

12. Don't let your past determine your destiny.

13. It is better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness.

14. Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it.

15. You are what you think.

16. Expect a lot from yourself and a little from others and you will avoid resentment.

17. Respect yourself and others will respect you.

18. Act with kindness, but don't expect gratitude.

19. A man who makes a mistake without correcting it commits another mistake.

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