
Don't feel alone! You are important, worthy of love and can do anything!

Photo: imdb

You are never alone. There is always someone somewhere thinking of you. Don't hide in your shell. Go among the people. Call your parents, friends. You live. Smile.

At times you will feel like you are alone because everyone else looks perfect. They reach all the milestones at the right time in the right way. You seem to be the only one who is having such a hard time dealing with problems that only you feel confused and numb.

You feel alone because you spend most of your life looking at everything from a hidden angle. You think there is no one who understands what you are going through. Because whenever you express your feelings, you feel like no one understands you. You feel like no one else takes you seriously.

You may feel like you are alone in the world, but other people are facing the same problems. They feel the same feelings. Some of these people are foreigners. But some of these people are people you know. People you admire. People you may have been jealous of.

Photo: Envato

If you don't let anyone show your vulnerable side, it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. After all, think about how many people you hide your vulnerability from. Think how many smiles you've faked, how many white lies you've told. You are not the only one. There are more people like you than you think.

No matter what you are going through, no matter how difficult your life is at this moment, know that you are not alone. Not this moment. Never.

You need to stop believing the lie that no one cares about you because it's not true. You have friends. The family. Colleagues.

They won't be with you every day. They won't communicate with you every week like you'd like, but that doesn't mean they don't care about you. It doesn't mean you don't matter to them.

Some people don't show their feelings. Some people remind their loved ones every day how much they mean to them, others don't, but they still care. They feel differently. They love you. They want you to be okay.

Photo: Envato

Although you may think you are completely alone, this is never true. You have support. You have an incentive. Maybe from the people around you, or from strangers you've never met, but it's there.

Although you may feel alone right now, you will get through this difficult time in your life. Survived and became stronger. You will be surprised what you can do.

Even if no one has told you this lately:
…you are important
…you are worthy of love
...you can
and you are not as alone as you think you are.

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