
Don't jump into a new relationship for the wrong reasons!

Photo: Masha Raymers / Pexels

Feeling pressured? Do you think everyone has settled down? Are you afraid that you will be alone for the rest of your life? Don't do things you don't want to do. You still have enough time to meet the person meant for you.

You should never go into a relationship that you feel is not right, that something is wrong, just because you are worried that you will never have the chance to love again.

Remember, you are not limited in love, you will not love only once. In your life, you will be and will be loved by several people, each in their own way.

If you feel that the person is not right for you, trust that feeling. Don't believe that the only right decision is to love the person who loves you, regardless of how they treat you.

You don't need manipulative behavior in your life. There are many other options. This isn't your only chance at love.

Don't be with someone just because you feel bad about rejecting them and because you don't like conflict. Even worse if you give him false hope. Don't be with someone you're not completely interested in.

Learn to respect your own feelings. You must not make others happy by sacrificing your own happiness. You must not put them before yourself and push your needs into the background.

You are not selfish if you decide for yourself, for your happiness. Follow your heart, not theirs.

Don't be with the wrong person just because you want so badly to be loved, because you want attention, because you want someone to want you, anyone.

Don't pretend to love just to not be alone! Photo: Simona Sergi / Unsplash

You have to learn how to give yourself the kind of love and validation you crave. You need to work on raising your self-worth so that you don't rely on someone else's validation to feel valuable.

And if I were in a partnership with such a person, I would not be happy. That kind of love wouldn't be enough. You wouldn't experience the satisfaction that only a soul mate can give you.

When you're with the wrong person, you're physically connected to someone, but you'll still feel lonely. Be with someone you truly feel on all levels.

Don't be with someone because you feel pressured to be with someone so you won't be alone. Because you're tired of asking why you're single and everyone around you is in relationships while you're still waiting for the person who will make you happy.

There's nothing wrong with you. Everyone moves at their own pace. You are not behind. You are no better or worse than those who are in a completely different phase of their lives.

You are on a different life journey than they are.

You may reach some milestones later than you thought, but that doesn't mean you're not happy.

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