
Don't mess with him: this is how an emotionally immature man behaves

Photo: envato

There is no such thing as an ideal partner. However, this does not mean that you have to accept compromises and tolerate an emotionally immature man.

If you are in love and feel a strong physical attraction to him, you can you fall into the trap of justifying his bad behavior and ignore all warnings, which indicate that he is not yet ready for a relationship. Denying reality will sooner or later lead you to a breakup and a broken heart. Take your time and observe his behavior in different situations. Here are the facts to tell you if it is emotionally (i)mature man.

It sends mixed signals

A man who is interested in a relationship with you will work hard for a relationship. He will call you and arrange regular dates. He'll let you know if he's busy. You can tell by his behavior that he cares. A man who is emotionally immature will send mixed signals. Maybe he will not communicate for days, weeks, even months, and then all of a sudden he'll call again, determined to see you. If the relationship is hot-cold, think about where this is going.

He seemed to like you on the date, but then he stopped calling you. Such a man does not know what he wants. Be happy he didn't call again. Let the right man find you and guide you. If a man wants to be with you, he will find a way to you and take you from the crowd of others into his embrace, from which no one can take you away. You will feel that you are his woman.

It sends mixed signals.
It sends mixed signals.

He wants you to take the initiative

A man who is in love with you will be happy if you take the initiative and will enjoy the results. A shy person will look for signals that you like him. The one who was hurt will take time to get to know you. The doubter is only looking for company and sex.

He wants you to change

A real man will love you as you are, at your best, at your worst, and at your lowest. He will never ask you to change for him, be it looks, behavior or anything else. Don't change to please him! Be what you are. Demand respect. Pay attention to how he responds to your requests. Will he make an effort or doesn't he care? If he wants you to change, he's looking for something in you that you're not. You will never become like that, believe me. A man will find you who will accept you as you are.

He doesn't respect your feelings

Many men are not as emotional as women and have a harder time expressing their emotions. A man who is unable to share them or refuses to talk about them is not a good choice for a relationship. The one who can't handle your feelings can't handle his own. A real man will have space for you and your emotional life. He can make you feel the way you really feel, and he's worth the time and effort to get to know him better.

He doesn't respect your wishes and feelings.
He doesn't respect your wishes and feelings.

He doesn't accept your wishes

You are not a woman who submits to a man's wishes. You respond to them, but you also make your own demands for changes. Watch how he behaves when he gets defensive about your demands, because you thereby showing what it will be like in the future, when they will face different challenges. Not every man will match you and strive to meet your needs.

He has a problem with making excuses

We all make mistakes. Anyone can cause discomfort and conflict in someone. Both can say hurtful things that they don't mean at the time. An emotionally strong man takes responsibility for his behavior, apologizes and tries to correct mistakes. Watch him, what happens when you trust him, what effect his behavior has on you. Is he sorry? Apologize? Is he ignoring you? If he can't take responsibility, let him go. The last thing you need is to be in a relationship with a man who acts like a child. It's not your job to fix him or teach him how the world works.

In conflict, he shuts down and does not process problems

Most people avoid conflict. But conflict is also part of the relationship between two people who are in a relationship. Navigating your differences is one of the keys to lasting love. Avoiding conflict and negative emotions is a sign that he is afraid of a deeper relationship. Ignoring is a sign of an immature person. Being willing to talk about uncomfortable things is a sign that he is emotionally mature. If you strive to grow through conflict situations, you will become closer and a bond will be created between you that will be hard to break. This is the type of man you can weather any storm with.

He doesn't respect your boundaries

You are a person with your own opinion who will be in a relationship with another person who also has his own opinion. Together, they will create a third person: a relationship. Mathematically speaking, this is the wrong solution (1+1=3), but from a relationship standpoint, it is the perfect solution for long lasting love. A healthy relationship is one where you know there are boundaries, where you end and he continues. Acceptance and adaptation is the key to a successful partnership.

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