
Don't stay in the relationship, let him go!

Photo: envato

Have you ever wondered why you persist in a relationship that doesn't bring you happiness? Why are you holding on to someone who doesn't value you the way you deserve? Maybe it's time to think about whether this person is really the one who brings you joy?

Sometimes in life there comes a moment when you have to let go of a person who meant a lot to you, not because the love is gone, but because you deserve it love that you will feel at every step.

Letting someone down is not an act of desperation, but an expression of self-respect and your emotions. Sometimes it happens that you give your best in a relationship, but you don't get the same effort from the other side. Then you have to ask yourself if it is worth persevering in something that drains you instead of strengthening you.

It is important to understand that you are not worth less because someone is unable to see your true worth. In fact, it is a sign of your strength that you can recognize when is the time, to withdraw from a situation that no longer makes you happy.

Photo: envato

It's not easy!

But deep down you know that you deserve someone who will listen to you, talk to you about this and that. Someone who will appreciate your efforts and never put you in a position where you feel like a choice instead of a priority.

Life is too short to spend it in relationships that don't make you happy. It's not about judging the one you let down. He may be a good man, but that's all it doesn't mean it's right for you.

Sometimes the two just aren't meant for each other, and that's okay

Each of us deserves to be with someone who sees us at our best, who supports us when we are struggling, and who will never let us feel alone when we are together.

When you decide to let someone go, it's for your own good. It's about yes you put yourself first and admit to yourself that you earn more. It's about realizing that you are worthy of love that will be truly good for you.

Drop means yes you are strong enough, to admit to yourself that it's time for something new, something that will fill your heart with joy instead of burdening it.

And when you do, when you finally let go, something happens wonderful. You open up space for new opportunities, for love that will come into your life and appreciate you the way you always wanted.

Photo: envato

This is not the end, but the beginning of something beautiful

Letting go means making room for your happiness and allowing those who will appreciate you in the way you deserve to come into your life.

Don't stay in the relationship, let him go!

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