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Do not love by force: this is what these most obvious signs show you

Forcefully in love?

Every moment you spend with the wrong person is a moment less with the right person!

Love is a complicated thing. In an instant, it can hit you so hard that you lose the ground beneath your feet. After a few hours or days, you feel an aversion to her. And that's completely a common occurrence, which your heart and mind are facing - in one moment you think you have like a certain person very much, in the second you can already see that maybe you are not as interested as you think.

There's nothing inherently wrong with feeling this way, but it may indicate that your heart is telling you yes you think WELL before you surrender to the wrong person.
Even if you don't want to admit it, it's quite possible that you're unconsciously forcing yourself to be like someone, which is not even suitable for you.

Signs that show you DON'T EVEN LIKE him as much as you might think:

Every time you meet another person you like, you wonder if they are single. Sure, there's nothing wrong with judging other people's love status, but you know full well that you wouldn't even dream of caring who's busy or free if you were deeply in love with someone , which you dream about. By thinking about others, you are in a way evaluating the options available to you.

You don't think much about a person when they're not together.
You don't think much about a person when they're not together.

You don't think much about a person when they're not together. If there was real chemistry between you, you'd be thinking about the person you like 24/7 - everywhere you turn, you see a face; it's on your mind; you re-read messages; you look at photos... When you don't feel a strong connection, then the person is not deep in your mind, so you don't experience that strong heartbeat and sweet feeling in your stomach.

You don't care if the person is recognized by parents and friends. You also don't care what they think of her. Although the only thing that matters is that you like the person, sometimes the judgment of family and friends is crucial. There is nothing worse than being in an environment where family members do not get along with your partner. Even though you know the person you like is good, you don't care if they impress others. Reason? He/she didn't impress you or you are afraid of what those close to you will say about being with a person you don't really like.

You don't care if he plans outings without you.
You don't care if he plans outings without you.

You don't care if he plans outings without you. Even if jealousy is not healthy, you also feel it at the beginning of the relationship. You care who the person is with and what they are doing. You want to have her by your side all the time. If you're not the least bit moved by the fact that he's including you in his plans, then you're probably not as hot as you seem. It's quite possible that you're a phlegm and you're not moved by such things, but if you feel relieved that the person won't spend time with you, ask yourself what you really feel.

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