
Don't miss it! 7 planets will align in the sky on February 28th

A rare planetary alignment we won't see until 2040

Photo: Freepik

Have you ever wanted to see almost the entire Solar System in a single night? On February 28, 2025, we will witness a spectacular astronomical event - the alignment of seven planets, which will line up in a nearly straight line in the sky. Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune will all grace the evening sky together, offering a unique opportunity to observe planets that we don't usually see so close together. The planetary alignment is coming!

Planetary alignments happen very rarely, and the next time we will see seven planets in alignment will not be until 2040. If you like astronomy or simply enjoy admiring the night sky, book this date and get ready for a real celestial spectacle. And the best part – you won't need any special equipment to see most of the planets!

What is planetary alignment?

A planetary alignment occurs when several planets in our Solar System appear to line up in a roughly straight line. Although planets In space, they are not actually perfectly aligned, but appear to be arranged in a single line due to their orbits around the Sun and the perspective from Earth. Such events are rare, especially when seven are involved. Smaller alignments, where only three or four planets line up, are quite common, but this one is something special.

Photo: Freepik

Which planets will be visible?

During the alignment, they will be visible in the sky Saturn, Mercury, Neptune, Venus, Uranus, Jupiter and MarsWhile Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be visible to the naked eye, observing Uranus and Neptune will require a telescope or at least powerful binoculars.

Neptune will be particularly exciting to observe, as it is one of the least visible planets in our Solar System, rarely seen even under ideal conditions due to its distance. Saturn will be higher in the sky and recognizable by its characteristic golden light, while Mars will stand out with its characteristic reddish color. If you decide to use a telescope, you may even be able to see the rings around Saturn and some of the moons around Jupiter.

When and how to observe?

The best time to watch this spectacle will be right after sunset, as Mercury will quickly disappear below the horizon. Venus will be one of the brightest spots in the sky and you will easily recognize it, while Jupiter will also be extremely bright and easy to see. Mars will be reddish, and Saturn will be slightly higher in the sky.

Photo: Freepik

To get the most out of this event, it is recommended to find a location with minimal light pollution, as artificial light greatly affects the visibility of celestial bodies. Ideal locations include open fields, hilly areas, or observatories where the sky is dark and free of distracting light sources. It is also recommended to rely on apps such as Sky Tonight, Stellarium or Star Walk, which will help you accurately determine the positions of individual planets in the sky.

Why is this event so special?

What makes this event so unique is not only its rarity, but also the incredible opportunity it presents for all astronomy enthusiasts. Such an alignment only happens a few times a century, with the next comparable one not expected until 2040. Although the planets won't line up perfectly, their alignment will be close enough to be visible to the naked eye, meaning that amateur observers and experienced astronomers alike can join in.

How to prepare for observation?

You don't need much to see a planetary alignment - the most important thing is to choose the right location and time. It's important to check the weather forecast well in advance, as clouds or rain can completely ruin your viewing opportunity. If possible, head outside of the city, where there's less light pollution, and get a good view towards the western part of the sky.

Even if you don't have a telescope or binoculars, don't worry - most of the planets will be visible to the naked eye. For an even better experience, you can download one of the stargazing apps that will help you identify individual planets and find out where they are in the sky. Most importantly, take your time and enjoy one of the most beautiful astronomical events of this decade.


Whether you're an avid astronomer or just a night sky enthusiast, this planetary alignment is an event you simply can't miss. February 28, 2025 will be the night when we'll be able to see almost the entire Solar System in a single line. It's one of the rarest celestial events of this decade, and we won't see it again until 2040. So book an evening, find a dark location, and enjoy one of the most beautiful celestial spectacles the universe has to offer.

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