
Don't wait for someone to come back!

"Pay attention to your feelings, for there is a continuous connection between your feelings and your invisible world." - Neville Goddard

Don't wait for them to come back if you're uncomfortable around them. Why do you look for them in places where you think you will meet them again? Don't lie to yourself about how everything was beautiful and wonderful, if you know well inside that it wasn't.

Dive into the deepest part of the dark, murky water where you miss them. Let the darkness surround you. You feel their absence. Absorb her. Breathe in your fear, your desire for them. And then let them go, let them sink.

Don't wait for them in such a way that you believe that things will change. Cut them off and move on. Like you cut a rose and throw it away later... you'll never see it again. You leave behind many people in your life who you know will never have the chance to love you or hate you or talk to you again.

Allow the gentle pattern of life you have built with them to expand and change into a form of the past. Let them go, you weren't happy with him, you deserve happiness. Let her find you.

Let them go because you weren't happy with him.
Let them go because you weren't happy with him.

Stop waiting for them to return and realize that pain is an inevitable part of moving forward. Stop waiting for the chasm in your heart to close and take all the steps you need to move forward in the uncertain footsteps of the future. Don't wait until you feel ready, because you might be waiting forever.

Stop waiting for someone to come back and decide to move on without you. And perhaps this is the saddest and simplest truth - that you have to intentionally distance yourself from the people you've loved and lost, or you'll stay lost. This may not be the most desirable option, but it is the only one you have.

The truth about stopping waiting for someone is that someday someone will appear to fill her/his place in your heart. And that person must first be YOU.

Ahead of you is a future you haven't planned and a life you haven't lived yet. Forget what was. To the people who were once part of your world. Leave them there. They belong there.

Don't wait for something that may never come again. To people who don't respect you. Make a conscious, otherwise unpleasant decision and leave the past behind. Just take lessons from lost people and learn from them. Accept life and the people in it who truly love you.

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