
Dream job: you can earn 16 thousand euros in two months by lying in bed

Earning from sleep

Do you like to sleep and lie in bed? Then we have the dream job for you. French scientists studying microgravity are looking for 24 men who are willing to lie in bed for 60 days. They will also be paid handsomely for this.

It often happens to you that you would prefer lay in bed no contact with the outside world, eating sweets and never crawling out from under a warm blanket? But maybe your dreams come true and you become one of the lucky ones 24 chosen ones, which they are looking for French researchers at the Institute of Space Medicine and Physiology (Medes), who study microgravity.

Where can we apply???
Where can we apply???

And for this 'work' you will still be well paid. For two months of lounging around and doing absolutely nothing, you will pocket quite a bit 16 thousand euros. That means you will 60 days spent in the horizontal and everything necessary (eating, washing and biological needs) performed while in bed. You will need to keep at least one shoulder in contact with the bed at all times.

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From the experiments, scientists want to find out what consequences await future astronauts on Mars.
With the experiment, scientists want to find out what consequences await future astronauts on Mars.

With the study, scientists want to recreate the state of weightlessness on the International Space Station (ISS). And what are their requirements? The institute in Toulouse is looking for fit and sporty men, aged between 20 and 45 years, who do not smoke, have no allergies and have a body mass index between 22 and 27. Before going to bed, you will undergo detailed two-week examinations. They will investigate with an experiment the effects of prolonged exposure to weightlessness, which brings muscle loss, reduction of bone density, etc. You can apply for work here.

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