
Relationship-Destroying Dreams: When Breakup Becomes the Only Solution!

Men want their partner to be "pleasant to look at". Women want their partner to be "handsome". But this is where the relationship questions begin.

What is a "beautiful" person? This is a person who behaves the way we want him to at all times.

For example, a man wants his woman to put dinner on the table, sit down next to him and "chat" about something unimportant. Tomorrow the same man has a desire to sit in silence at dinner. And the next day, this "dream" is completely different: he doesn't want dinner! He wants her right now, dressed in seductive lingerie, waiting for him in bed.

It's the same with women. Today, she needs someone who will be strong, confident, who will make decisions for her. But tomorrow, she would rather be independent and work the way she wants. The day after tomorrow, she expects him to be quiet and to give her something nice.

And all this is self-explanatory, there is no need to talk about it at all!

But does your partner really understand and know what you want from him/her?

Another person cannot telepathically sense what you want! Nor can he always put his own interests aside and blindly follow your goals. Regardless of what we call it, living with another person is an "eternal" search for a balance between our interests and theirs, between our territory and theirs.

No, it's not ideal, but that's life!

Another person cannot telepathically sense what you want!
Another person cannot telepathically sense what you want!

How do we spoil everything? By constantly thinking only about our partner's shortcomings!

Usually, people encounter various "inconveniences" from their partners. Let's say that the husband is not involved in family life. The wife notices this and instead of solving the problem, she suffers in silence. She becomes so focused on the flaws that she forgets all the positive sides of her husband. And the more he thinks about it, the more he becomes convinced that life with him is unbearable. And eventually she becomes uncomfortable in his presence. It already smells like a divorce. Even a small thing can be enough to make everything disappear: marriage, love, community...

One piece of advice: if you're constantly thinking about your partner's flaws, stop! Stop and think: there are definitely quality things in your relationship that you shouldn't overlook.

The point of all this is: we humans cannot be perfect! And the perfect man/woman does not exist! If you feel that your partner is not what you wanted at the moment, this is not a reason for divorce. Maybe (maybe!) it makes sense to grow up and not expect the impossible!

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