
A drone that pollinates plants and will prevent human extinction

A pollinating drone

"If bees disappeared from the face of the earth, man would have no more than four years left to live. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man'' is a famous quote attributed to Albert Einstein, although he never uttered it. But the quote holds up. Well, maybe not, because we have the promise of a drone capable of pollinating plants.

In recent years, the world has been dealing with mass disappearing bees, which does not bode well for mankind. Admittedly, the bees haven't yet on the endangered species list, but this can happen quickly.

Will the bees be relieved of their duties?
Will the bees be relieved of their duties?

He could soon replace them mini drones, who will do their work, that is pollinated the plants. Perhaps in the future, humanity will no longer be so dependent on bees.

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A pollinating drone modeled after bees (carries a special gel with pollen), he produced Eijiro Miyako from Japan's National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology. But Miyako is not the first to play with robotic bees. University Harvard she made bees some time ago RoboBees, but the project is stuck. Miyako kept things pretty simple and made a robotic bee out of a cheap drone.

Will drones replace bees?
Will drones replace bees?

He stuck to it horse hair and coated them with a pollen transfer gel. The drone is not yet ready for general use, because it is not yet autonomous and it does not yet know how to collect dust and pollinate itself, so it is already successful with the help of humans pollinated the lilies (Lilium japonicum). See how it works in practice in the video (see above).

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