
DroneGun Tactical: Private defense against annoying drones

DroneGun Tactical: Private defense against annoying drones

Radio-controlled flying toys have become so widespread that some are bothered by the annoying buzzing and invasion of privacy. Fortunately, there is protection. The Drongun rifle, which in the Tactical version has become smaller and much more self-sufficient.

In military jargon, it belongs rifle among non-lethal weapons of war, as it does not fire projectiles, which would be an annoying airplane chopped into small pieces. Instead towards them up to a distance of one kilometer DroneGun Tactical  fights with radio waves, so it breaks signals, with which someone from afar supervises.

DroneGun Tactical uses radio waves to disrupt signals.
DroneGun Tactical uses radio waves to disrupt signals.

There is additional gun power upgrade, to disturb as well reception of satellite navigation signals, which confuses the automatic trot. It also immediately terminates any video connection, through which the video stream from the aircraft camera is transmitted to the receiver. Even if it's still flying and hasn't fallen down, at least not spy more.

Even if the drone doesn't go down, at least the spies will be gone.
Even if the drone doesn't go down, at least the spies will be gone.

The point of the thing is that it is easy to use. No learning how to use it is necessary, it is enough read the instructions and start "jamming" the aircraft in range. But only if you are in service of the state. For private purposes, the rifle is at least out of the question of the Atlantic prohibited.

The rifle is not intended for private use.
The rifle is not intended for private use.

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