
DrumWise & Friends: Tabasso Arbitration

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Important information
Kersnikova 4, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
up to 24 hours: 5 EUR Flyer/Student: 6 EUR Others: 7 EUR

DnB floor:

Sven Nalis (mass: blood, HR)

Odium (bassinvaders!, HR)





Gekko (bassinvaders!, HR)

Juice (bassinvaders!, HR)







Years ago, we tried to come up with an agreement on open issues. The first team to solve this delicate situation left before dubstep, and the second before leggies came back. But he who waits, waits. Now it worked. Sven Nalis deliver when others fail. The Norwegians, the English have all disappointed us once, but Sven always brings joy and ultimately saves the day. If nothing else, they fall for a beautiful phenomenon. Odium he is a tough negotiator. Hard and relentless. That's why he doesn't give up easily. In fact, he never gives up. It goes and goes. Until the end. And further if necessary. And if they allow it. Gekko and Juice they are full of wisdom, prudence and, in general, which are beautiful virtues. Veterans in negotiations, behind different tables, bring a view from afar and from different sides. During the time of active operation, their results were always under close scrutiny, now as pensioners, of course, no one looks under their fingers anymore. Dora. Dora is here because of... Well, because of the necessary female quota. Rules are rules. Where do we get without them. Danaj and Lunic. Those two...







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