
Drunk driving simulator - these drivers drive dead drunk, even though they haven't had a single drop of alcohol!

Drunk driving simulator

Have you ever heard of a drunk driving simulator? No? You've probably heard someone say that they drive best when they're drunk. Many people have a sense of supernatural abilities when they are "under the gas". That they do many things better than usual. But reality shows that this is not the case, especially not in drunk driving. This was also realized by those who wore a drunk driving simulator and drove dead drunk, even though they had not drunk a single drop of alcohol before.

Driving under the influence of alcohol it is the cause of many traffic accidents and regularly fills the black statistics. Although it is a well-known fact that this kind of driving reduces our abilities, many people think that "nailed" drivers are better drivers. Alcohol clouds the mind and drunk driving simulator is more than a good proof that this fact is true despite the different belief of some!

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Sober driving under the influence of alcohol is much more complicated than driving under the influence of gas.
Sober driving under the influence of alcohol is much more complicated than driving under the influence of gas.

As proof, Ford allowed people to simulate drunk driving, meaning that people were driving drunk to death, even though they got behind the wheel completely sober. But maybe it will sober you up and make you less discouraged the next time you want to get behind the wheel drunk.

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