
Dry and chapped lips: 4 recipes to make natural lip balms at home

Photo: envato

Oh, those cold days. Some people love them and take advantage of the last moments they can spend with winter sports, while others prefer to take refuge in the comfort of a warm home. At this time, we all need to take better care of our skin than usual, and even more so of one of the most sensitive parts of the body: our lips. We have prepared 5 natural lip balms for you, with which you will immediately overcome the problem of dry and chapped lips.

1. Ointment with coconut oil and grapefruit

It has long been known how very useful it is coconut oil– both for skin, hair and lips. For salve with coconut oil and grapefruit you will need 20 g of coconut oil, 20 g of cocoa butter, 10 g of beeswax and 5 drops of lavender essential oil.
Beeswax is one of the most popular ingredients for lip balms, because protects from the sun's rays and them immediately restores moisture. First you need beeswax to step– the easiest way to do this is with steam bath. Crush the wax first, then place it in a small metal container, which is then placed in a larger container filled with water. After that, heat the whole thing over the stove for a few minutes medium heat. When you think the wax has melted to half, gradually start adding the cocoa butter and when the mixture is completely melted, add the coconut oil and everything mix.
Then remove the pan from the heat and add lavender essential oil. Mix again and pour the mixture into container, where you will store the lip balm. You wait for the mixture it hardens and apply it on your lips.

Photo: Dana Tentis / Pexels

2. Ointment with shea butter and grapefruit

Also Shea Butter promises to be your lips regained moisture, and it is also rich in vitamins A and E. For this salve you will need 1 tablespoon of castor oil, 1 tablespoon of shea butter, 2 tablespoons of coconut oil and half a teaspoon of grapefruit essential oil.
In a pan over low heat step up a mixture of shea butter and castor and coconut oil. When you notice that the mixture has gone into the current state, remove the pan from the heat and add grapefruit essential oil to the mixture. Pour it into tube or container, where you will store the ointment and wait for it to cool down.

3. Tinted Lip Balm with Vaseline

This balm is perfect for those who want a one-liner for their lips restore life, and at the same time apply something to them beautiful red color. For it you will need a spoon and a half of vaseline, half a spoonful of beetroot juice or any blush powder and half a teaspoon of honey.
First, mix petroleum jelly and honey in a bowl, then add beetroot juice to the mixture. All for 30 seconds microwave, stir and transfer to a bowl. You can start using the balm after 30-40 minutes.

Photo: Lina Kivaka / Pexels

4. Ointment with kokum butter

Kokum butter it has not yet achieved such recognition as, for example, coconut, but we must not forget about it either. It is rich in antioxidants, that will soothed irritated lips and prevent inflammation and injury.
For ointment with kokum butter you will need 2 tablespoons of kokum butter, 2 tablespoons of shea butter, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 1 teaspoon of carnauba wax. In the same way as with the first recipe, first in steam baths melt kokum butter and wax. Over 3-4 minutes add the shea butter and when the mixture becomes liquid, remove the pan from the heat. Add olive oil, good stir and pour into container or tube, where you will store the ointment.

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