
Dubiosa collective

An exceptional and impactful group from Bosnia and Herzegovina has already impressed many times with concerts here and abroad. Two vocals, a great rhythm section and a percussive guitar rock that merges with a hypnotic reggae sound will excite us and offer us something new and make us dance...

Important information
Mostovna, IX. building 99 a, Nova Gorica
Facebook event
Entrance fee
: 8 evrov z rezervacijo, 10 evrov na dan koncerta.

Izjemna in udarna skupina iz Bosne in Hercegovine je že večkrat prepričala s koncerti pri nas in na tujem. Dva vokala, odlična ritem sekcija in udarni kitarski rock, ki se spaja s hipnotičnim reggae zvokom, nas bodo navdušili in nam ponudili nekaj novega ter nas spravili v plesno ekstazo.

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