
Duo – a smart mirror that is also a digital assistant

Duo smart mirror

The Duo smart mirror is part mirror, part computer. You can use it to talk, play music and videos, play games, and control smart home devices like your thermostat.

Duo it is 27 inches smart mirror, which outwardly acts like a normal mirror, but in fact, in addition to reflecting, it has the capabilities of smartphones or computer.

READ MORE: Apple Mirror - this is what Apple's smart mirror would look like

The touch-sensitive Duo mirror also has its own digital assistant, who hears the name Albert, with which you can communicate by voice. Despite all the technology it has, it only measures thickness 1.9 millimeters and weighs a measly 3.6 kilograms. You can read news on it, check it out weather forecast, you watch videos, play music for you and it's virtual art gallery.

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