
DYI trick for smelly carpets: Remove bad odors from your carpet without washing with this easy dry cleaning

DYI Trick for Scented Carpets

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Photo: Liliana Drew / Pexels
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Have you ever wondered how to remove unpleasant odors from your carpet in a natural and effective way? Are you looking for a solution that doesn't involve expensive cleaners or chemicals? This is the easiest and at the same time very effective trick - the DYI trick for scented carpets.

Do you have carpets at home? The domesticity of ours at home it is closely related to the pleasant smells that greet us upon entering. However, carpets, no matter how carefully we maintain our home, can eventually become filled with unpleasant smells. So use this DYI trick for scented carpets!

Many of us wonder how to remove these discomforts in an effective and natural way, without using them aggressive cleaners and chemicals. So how to remove - unpleasant odors.

Fortunately, there is a simple, csimply favorable and an environmentally friendly solution that will restore the freshness of your carpet and fill your home with a natural scent.

Unpleasant odors in carpets inevitably occur due to everyday factors such as dust, pets and general wear and tear. However, there is no need to resort to expensive cleaners full of chemicals, as you can create an effective natural mixture just from the ingredients you have in your kitchen.

Remove hair and other things. Photo: Josh Sorenson / Pexels

How can you create your own carpet refresher mix without washing?

You need

  • cinnamon
  • cloves
  • baking soda
  • lavender.

Combine in a bowl a teaspoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of ground cloves, three tablespoons of soda baking soda and a teaspoon of dried lavender. These spices will not only remove unpleasant odors, but will also leave your home smelling delicious for days to come.

The process is simple. Sprinkle the mixture evenly over the carpet so that it covers the entire surface. Let the mixture work for about half an hour. In the meantime, the odors are absorbed, and you can do other household chores in the meantime. After the time has passed, simply vacuum the carpet.

One of the ingredients is lavender. Photo: Pexels / Pixabay

The result?

Your carpet it will not only be free of unpleasant odors, but it will fill your home with the fragrance of freshness, which will create a pleasant and homely atmosphere.

In addition to being extremely effective, this natural solution is also an affordable and environmentally friendly alternative to commercial cleaners. Not only will you get rid of unpleasant odors, but you'll also get rid of the worry of exposing your home to chemicals. By using natural ingredients, you will keep your home clean in a sustainable and healthy way. DYI trick for scented carpets - so easy.

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