
Dynamic Tower: Dubai is also getting a rotating skyscraper!

The rotating skyscraper Dynamic Tower

Everything you can imagine, Dubai definitely has. An indoor ski resort, a flying taxi, the tallest building in the world, the largest shopping mall in the world, the most expensive cars, an island in the shape of a palm tree..., a rotating skyscraper is now added to the list. Dynamic Tower will grow in the 'city of the future' until 2020.

Dubai it's for sure the city of the future. From the desert sand, where poor fishermen and merchants once lived, dizzyingly high skyscrapers have grown, stories of the most amazing architectural projects and feats. It will be a new achievement rotating skyscraper Dynamic Tower, which will be the first skyscraper of its kind in the world.

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420-meter skyscraper Israeli-Italian architect David Fisher they will build until 2020, but he will have 80 revolving floors, which will give the impression that it is a building living organism. Each floor will circulate independently of the other, and the residents will manage the rotation with voice commands. Crazy! The price is also crazy - you will have to pay for the apartment 30 million US dollars. You will therefore be able to watch the sunrise and sunset through the same window, and that is also worth something! The skyscraper will be partially self-serviced with energy from wind turbines.

Gallery - rotating skyscraper Dynamic Tower:

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