
E-doctor: Consult a doctor right from the comfort of your home

The e-doctor can issue a report for you and your children. / Photo: Shutterstock

Unfortunately, the coronavirus epidemic has made it difficult to access specialist health services, and despite all the measures, more and more people are finding it difficult to get to their personal doctor. In response to the new situation in health care, Vzajemna, the guardian of health, has prepared a new E-doctor insurance, which allows policyholders quick access to a general practitioner or family doctor remotely.

If you have been ill or injured recently, you have probably experienced how difficult it is to call a personal doctor and make an appointment with him. For almost two years now, covid-19 has significantly interfered with our lives and our healthcare system, demanding appropriate adjustments from all of us. Here, we must sincerely praise the health workers who, in these difficult times, show their immense heart, sacrifice and sincere dedication, but despite this, due to the consequences of the epidemic, access to health services is more difficult. This can have major consequences on the health of the population, which is why the Guardian of Health, Vzajemna, decided to offer people a new insurance, with which they will provide the insured with the fastest possible consultation with a general practitioner or family practitioner, for new and dignified health conditions. When taking out the insurance, you will not need to fill out a questionnaire about your health status and you will be able to use all services without a waiting period.

The insurance company plans to soon include specialist doctors from various fields in the insurance, thus enabling you to consult remotely even for specialist services.

How does the remote consultation work?

In service E-doctor general practitioners and family physicians are included from the network of providers of the Guardian of Health. In the event that you fall ill or are injured, term consultation make an appointment on the toll-free phone number or via the online form, and you will probably get an appointment the very next working day.

The new E-zdravnik insurance is available for just €1.59 per month

You can have a consultation with the E-doctor via video or phone call. If you decide to have a video consultation, you will simply click on the link to enter the online surgery, which will be sent to you from the insurance company, at the agreed time. A general or family doctor will appear on your screen, to whom you can describe and show any visible physical symptoms through the camera. If the health service is provided by telephone, the doctor will call you at the agreed time.

Your doctor can also give you a report

The great advantage of remote consultation, which is available to you as part of the E-doctor insurance, is that they are doctors available for consultation 24/7. Your doctor can consult you issues a report and suggests an examination by a specialist doctor. The insurance also guarantees you a chat with the doctor via the chosen chat room (24/7) - Dr. service. Advice.

Your children are also included in the insurance

By taking out the insurance, you enable a remote consultation not only for yourself, but also for your children up to the age of 18. Until the end of the year, you can take out insurance at a promotional price. The premium for the first insurance year is only €1.59 per month. You can find more information about insurance on the website of the Guardian of Health, Mutual.

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