
e.SAT Silent Air Taxi: an inaudible flying taxi

German start-up company e.SAT has presented the Silent Air Taxi concept, which will use a hybrid drive and have an innovative 'okvirasto' wing shape.

e.SAT Silent Air Taxi will be intended relief of major airline connections and temporal shortening paths of individuals and small groups. The developers claim that a flight in an inaudible hybrid taxi should cost no more than a ride in a German one by train in first grade. Innovative wing design in the shape rectangular frame with a range 10 meters and the hybrid drive enable the taxi to fly up to 1,000 kilometers far at speed to 300 km/h. The inaudible taxi has enough space for 5 persons, and its innovative hybrid drive is additionally sound isolated and does not cause greater noise than we receive on a daily basis from surroundings.

e.SAT Silent Air Taxi
e.SAT Silent Air Taxi

In the development phase 50 developers, designers and engineers are working hard to make the inaudible flying taxi available by the year 2024. Taxi is suitable for 95 % of German airports, as it is already enough for a safe take-off 400 meters airport runways. Silent Air Taxi will experience its christening flight already this year 2022.

e.SAT Silent Air Taxi
e.SAT Silent Air Taxi
e.SAT Silent Air Taxi
e.SAT Silent Air Taxi
e.SAT Silent Air Taxi
e.SAT Silent Air Taxi

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