
Every astrological sign has its enemies! Find out who you should avoid!

What do the stars say?

It would be nice to get along with all people, but we all sometimes meet someone with whom we do not get along. Someone with whom we cannot find a common language, no matter how hard we try. Often such strained relations lead to hostility, which can happen in friendship, love or business relationships. It's not about whether we or the other person are good or bad people, it's just that we just don't go together.

Astrology says that there are astrological signs with which we can get along well and those that sooner or later become our enemies.

We present to you a list of "enemies" or astrological signs with which you will not get along well.


People born under the sign of Aries can have very difficult relationships with fish and crustaceans. Pisces are very sensitive and the unusual nature of Aries is a challenge for them. Cancer can offend the direct behavior of Aries. At first they may appreciate honesty, but later they will resent that same honesty. Cancer and Pisces may also be attracted to Aries' determination, but once they realize that Aries is only going in their own direction, they will try to run away from him. Aries is also very active, while Cancer likes peace, which will cause serious disagreements in their relationship.


Bull and lion they can have a very hostile relationship. Leos need a lot of attention, praise and ego boosts. Taurus will not give them the attention they are looking for because they want to focus all the attention on themselves. Leos want everything to be theirs. Taurus, on the other hand, want to be the one in control of the relationship. Leos are sociable and extroverted, while Tauruses are more private. It is simply difficult to agree on any level. Although at first you might think that they will have a great relationship, this is not the case.


S scorpions they don't match at all. Scorpios are demanding, intense and have high expectations. Gemini may be charmed at first, but they will soon feel overwhelmed by Scorpio's deep feelings and needs in a relationship that are beyond their capacity. Scorpios like to control the people around them, and Gemini will not like that. Scorpio "owns" and wants, while Gemini walks on the surface. Gemini loves people. Most Scorpios, however, prefer to withdraw from people and avoid conversation and unnecessary chatter. Scorpios will soon feel disappointed, and Gemini will have to look for people with whom they can communicate more easily.


Although they both care about other people and love justice, they have cancer and Aquarius difficult good relations. Aquarius is too unhappy for Cancers, who want to feel consistency and security in everything. Aquarius lives freely, while Cancers are confident. They will always feel that they are not important to Aquarius and this will create feelings of hostility in the relationship. Cancer needs people in their lives who will always be there for them. Aquarius, on the other hand, has problems with even being aware that there are disagreements. This is not a good combination in their life.


Lions fight with ibex and this often turns into a relationship full of hostile sparks. Capricorn loves routine, tradition, and many of them are workaholics. Lions, on the other hand, live on the edge and do not understand Capricorns. Leo likes to have fun, which Capricorn does not understand. Even the energy of a fiery lion cannot cheer up a cold Capricorn.

A virgin

Virgo and shooter they must not merge. Even the most flexible Virgo will quickly become frustrated with Sagittarius due to orderliness, punctuality and adherence to the agreement. They are complete opposites. Virgo may initially enjoy spending time with a Sagittarius, but she loves a healthy life and developing her creativity. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is an adventurer who cannot stay in one place. They will have a hard time socializing and in the end this relationship will be full of misunderstandings.


Libra can match with most signs, but the worst combination is with a virgin. The scales are constantly rushing and unstable, and virgins cannot tolerate this. They may find it fun at first, but the scale will keep getting lost somewhere. Virgo cares about efficiency. The scales are constantly pulling in different directions. Every segment in their relationship will become boring and will be a source of hostility and frustration.


Libra she is the one who drives scorpios crazy because they are indecisive and flirtatious. Scorpios can flirt (in a secretive way), but they can't stand the people around them doing it. Libra will be excited at first because Scorpio will want to participate in everything. After a short time, however, Scorpios will want to settle down and want more time to be alone and less time spent with Libra at social events. This is a match that should be over before it even starts.


Capricorn has a hard time dealing with the adventurous shooters. They like spontaneity and intellectual stimulation, discussions and leaving things unfinished. Capricorns, on the other hand, are more inclined to order and calmness. Sagittarius will be bored and will try to influence a serious Capricorn. But he doesn't want anyone to change him and will look for new people in his life.


Twins they are a real social butterfly. Capricorn, on the other hand, is as stable as a rock. Geminis need a lot of chat and fly from one project to another. This greatly confuses Capricorns, who always finish what they start. It is very difficult to connect these two worlds. Their relationship can last for a short time and then there is an explosion and hostility.


Aquarians get confused scorpions, because they don't see things their way. It is unlikely that these two signs will even be able to start a conversation that leads to a relationship. Aquarius demands their freedom and can become passive-aggressive if they try to develop a relationship with Scorpio who likes to control things. Aquarius will not bother around Scorpio, but will childishly ignore him and go his own way.


Gemini or Libra are a difficult combination for fish. A fish water sign travels with electricity, so it seems like they would get along well with sociable and happy signs. But unlike Gemini and Libra, Pisces actually prefer peace, quiet and privacy. This creates great problems in relationships and mutual understanding. Pisces are intuitive and emotional, so relationships with these signs would make them feel miserable and unsupported.

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