
Eat, pray, love

Directed by: Ryan Murphy. Cast: Julia Roberts, James Franco, Javier Bardem, Billy Crudup, Richard Jenkins, Viola Davis, Tuva Novotny, David Lyons. The film, based on the best-selling book, depicts the almost perfect life of Liz, who decides to break the self-limitations of superficial satisfaction and write anew...

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Directed by: Ryan Murphy.
Cast: Julia Roberts, James Franco, Javier Bardem, Billy Crudup, Richard Jenkins, Viola Davis, Tuva Novotny, David Lyons.

The film, based on the bestselling book, depicts the almost perfect life of Liz, who decides to break the self-limitations of superficial satisfaction and rewrite her life. After unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant and a divorce, in search of new experiences and passion, she takes a year off from her studies and risks everything to change her life. She embarks on a world odyssey that leads her to discover the gourmet pleasures of Italian cuisine, explore the secrets of ancient Indian prayers, and learn about inner peace and the love of life in Bali.

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