
Ecce Homo: The Passion of Christ from a Flemish copperplate workshop

Take a look at the extensive graphic cycle that was included in the recent exhibition of European Mannerist graphics. Event accompanying the exhibition: During Holy Week, on Tuesday, April 3, 2012, at 6 p.m., we will be guided around the exhibition by "little curators" - children from Primary Alojzij Šuštar's school (Institute of St. ...

Important information
NMS - Metelkova, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
According to the price list.

Oglejte si obsežen grafični cikel, ki je bil vključen v nedavno razstavo evropske manieristične grafike.

Dogodek ob razstavi: V velikem tednu, v torek, 3. aprila 2012, ob 18. uri nas bodo po razstavi vodili »mali kustosi« – otroci z Osnovne šole Alojzija Šuštarja (Zavod sv. Stanislava za vzgojo, izobraževanje in kulturne dejavnosti).

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