
Eco washable diapers

Almost all of us consider ourselves to be ecologically aware citizens, but most of us, when "eco" requires a little more effort, choose the easier choice, even if the latter means a huge pollution of nature and our own body. For one child in two and a half years, that's how long babies are in diapers on average,...

Almost all of us consider ourselves to be ecologically aware citizens, but most of us, when "eco" requires a little more effort from us, decide on an easier choice, even if the latter means enormous pollution of nature and our own bodies. We use five to six thousand diapers for one child in two and a half years, which is how long babies are on average in diapers, which represents almost two tons of garbage. This, for example, for the city of Ljubljana, it means 7,500 tons of dirty diapers in one year, which, due to artificial materials, will not completely decompose even after 500 years. And that this is not all that nature suffers because of our use-throw-away lifestyle, the production, in which strong chemicals are used, huge amounts of water, many trees are cut down, because cellulose is used together with chemicals to fill diapers . And if ecology is not a good enough argument for us to consider replacing disposable diapers with washable diapers, perhaps the health of our little one will be a stronger argument. Disposable diapers contain many harmful substances, such as sodium polyacrylate, known as a superabsorbent gel, which gives a "feeling of dryness". In addition to chemicals, the fact that artificial materials prevent the skin from breathing, which leads to overheating of the under-diaper area, is also a health issue. Racman diapers are modern tailored washable diapers, made of durable natural materials that are breathable, so they allow comfortable temperatures under the diaper. At the same time, there is no redness or diaper rash, which also avoids the constant application of cream on the ass. It is almost not necessary to wash the mud, as it is thrown together with the diaper template in the toilet and not in the landfill, where it does not belong, and the diaper is placed in a bucket with a lid so that it does not stink. Racman diapers are available in the online store, children's stores, and the offer and many green ideas can also be found on their renewed website.




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